From backyard to local farmers market
It has been a few years
My backyard is an edible garden and I sell what I donn;t give away at the local farmers market. Yes I am certifiied and Yes I am just a beginner.
Year 1:
I learnt what “dead dirt” was - planted trees and vines - only the vines survived. 100’s of passionfruit which I gave and gave to friends and tried to swap with local restaurants - I gave and they never returned the favor. Q: what do you do with passionfruit
The vines got bigger and became shade from the summer sun. My friends got sick of me pushing passionfruit on them so I expanded my culinary techniques. Passionfruit icecream - rock hard. Passionfruit curd. Passionfruit chuckney. Frozen Passionfruit. My new trees started to grow with lots of soil ammendment. I really thought the locals would like to come into my backyard and grow their own vegetables. A: stupid idea - too much work.
Passionfruit starting dropping by the dozens before I got home from my summer vacation. Desperate my friend Kelly - Marina farmers market suggested I get certified as an urban garden. Yup 1 week later I was at the local farmers market - not more than 2 miles away with 100’s of passionfruit. From my backyard to the local market. Locals were getting a biweekly education in passionfruit. It extended into the winter months with Loquats and Fava beans.
In process. I took a horticulture class at the local community college. Went back to the local farmers market with a bit more knowledge. People were actually excited to see me back this year. Happy to share their ideas, and knowledge about what a ripe passionfruit looks like.